My second Task from summer learning Journey I really enjoyed this one I find box jelly quite interesting from Ingrid
My second Task from summer learning Journey I really enjoyed this one I find box jelly quite interesting from Ingrid
My first task on my summer learning Journey so far so good.I was meant to make a game card about an under water sea creature I could make up one or do a real one I did a vampire crab seeyah
Today we
were writing a sizzling start. Witch is very fun we got to insert some pitchers and we got shown some other story’s sorry if the text is a bit blurry on my story.Sorry that I haven’t been posting much have a great day Ingrid.
Today I learnt how to embed a Google doc it was hard but this is how I did it.I went into my drive then I went onto my writing folder and clicked on a old document. Then I embedded the code and went onto media and found it .
Before I embed my slide I need to change the share settings to “Anyone with the link ”
To get the embed code I click on file,then share, link publish to the web .
Then click on embed , choose the size and playing settings , and copy the codev.
On my post I then click on add media ,Insert Embed code , past the code and click and insert.
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